Dieses Bild zeigt Mischa Borsdorf

Mischa Borsdorf

Herr Dr.

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft


Allmandring 5B - Verfügungsgebäude
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 0.06


nach Vereinbarung


  • Borsdorf, M., Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T. (2024) Influence of muscle packing on the three-dimensional architecture of rabbit M. plantaris, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, DOI106762 [link] 
  • Borsdorf, M., Papenkort, S., Böl, M., Siebert, T., Influence of muscle length on the three-dimensional architecture and aponeurosis dimensions of rabbit calf muscles, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2024), doi106452 [link] 


  • Papenkort, S., Borsdorf, M., Böl, M., Siebert, T., 2023. A geometry model of the porcine stomach featuring mucosa and muscle layer thicknesses. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 142, 105801. [link]


  • Siebert, T., Donath, L., Borsdorf, M., Stutzig, N., 2022. Effect of Static Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, and Myofascial Foam Rolling on Range of Motion During Hip Flexion: A Randomized Crossover Trial. J Strength Cond Res 36, 680-685. [link]


  • Borsdorf, M., Böl, M., Siebert, T., 2021. Influence of layer separation on the determination of stomach smooth muscle properties. Pflugers Arch. [ link]


  • Klemm, L., Seydewitz, R., Borsdorf, M., Siebert, T., Böl, M., 2020. On a coupled electro-chemomechanical model of gastric smooth muscle contraction. Acta Biomater.  [link]


  • Borsdorf, M., Tomalka, A., Stutzig, N., Morales-Orcajo, E., Böl, M., Siebert, T., (2019). Locational and Directional Dependencies of Smooth Muscle Properties in Pig Urinary Bladder. Frontiers in Physiology - Gastrointestinal Sciences 10.   [link]


  • Tomalka A, Borsdorf M, Böl M, Siebert T (2017) Porcine Stomach Smooth Muscle Force Depends on History-Effects. Front. Physiol. 8: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00802  [link]
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