In this project we collaborate with Dr. Nicola Maffiuletti (Neuromuscular Research Laboratory, Schulthess-Klinik, Zürich, Link).
Human movements are characterized by a complex interaction of different muscles which act across one or more joints. Muscles that act across a joint and contribute to force production are defined as synergistic muscles. The control of single muscles within muscle synergism and in particular fatigue-induced alterations are not well understood. A new approach is to analyse synergistic muscle activation after neuromuscular fatigue of one single muscle. In the present project we examine spinal and supraspinal mechanism after neuromuscular fatigue. Different conditions will be examined systematically (1) the influence of the fatigued muscle (soleus vs. gastrocnemius lateralis vs. gastrocnemius medialis), (2) the effect of muscle length (short vs. long), (3) the effect of type of contraction (isometric vs. concentric). Results of this study will provide a better understanding of synergistic muscle functions and coordinated movement. Furthermore, the knowledge helps to (1) enhance neuromuscular models and (2) to improve exercise programs aiming to develop muscle force in all kind of sports (sports for elderly, rehabilitation sport as well as high performance sport).
- Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2015). The reproducibility of electromyographical and mechanical parameters for the triceps surae during maximal and submaximal plantarflexions. Muscle & Nerve. doi: 10.1002/mus.24767. [Epub ahead of print].
- Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2015). Muscle force compensation among synergistic muscles after fatigue of a single muscle. Hum Mov Sci. 42, 273-287. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2015.06.001 [link]
- Stutzig N & Siebert T. (2015). Influence of joint position on synergistic muscle activity after fatigue of a single muscle head. Muscle & Nerve. 51(2), 259-267. doi: 10.1002/mus.24305 [link]
- Voelzke M*, Stutzig N*, Thorhauer HA & Granacher U. (2012). Promoting lower extremity strength in elite volleyball players: Effects of two combined training methods. J Sci Med Sport. (*authors contributed equally to this work) [link]
- Stutzig N, Siebert T, Granacher U & Blickhan R. (2012). Alteration of synergistic muscle activity following neuromuscular electrical stimulation of one muscle. Brain and Behavior 2, 640-646. [link]
- Stutzig, N. (2011). Neuromuskuläre elektrische Stimulation und angewandte Biomechanik. In T. Siebert & R. Blickhan (Hrsg.), Biomechanik – vom Muskelmodell bis zur angewandten Bewegungswissenschaft. Hamburg: Feldhaus, ED. Czwalina. S. 49-57.
- Stutzig N, Siebert T, Blickhan R, Thorhauer HA. (2010). Acute effects of local muscle fatigue on the recruitment of muscle synergists depending on the joint position. 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh, Scotland.