Institute of Sport and Movement Science

Teaching, research and examination topics at the Institute of Sport and Movement Science centre on all aspects sport and sports science as a field of research as well as on all aspects of movement science as a field of research.

As a student of the University of Stuttgart, you will be studying at one of Germany’s leading research universities located in one of Europe’s strongest growing economic powerhouses. Stuttgart is a city of sport and of culture. Stuttgart is home to all major sports associations of the State of Baden-Württemberg; sport plays a significant role in all areas of society in the city.

The Institute Sport and Movement Science has a broad base in both research and teaching. Its research activities are organised into four departments.

The teaching activities by the Institute of Sport and Movement Science cover a total of eight degree courses. The degree programs on offer can be subdivided into four degree courses with a focus on teaching (B.A. in Teaching, M.Ed. in Teaching, B.A. in Technical Pedagogy and B.A. in Economics Pedagogy) and four degree programs providing non-school orientated qualifications (B.A. and M.A. in Sports Science: Sociology and Management, B.Sc. in Movement Science and M. Sc. in Movement Science and Biomechanics).

Contact to the Institute of Sport and Movement Science


Assistent of the Institut

Allmandring 28, 70569 Stuttgart

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