As a student of the University of Stuttgart, you will be studying at one of Germany’s leading research universities located in one of Europe’s strongest growing economic powerhouses. Stuttgart is a city of sport and of culture. Stuttgart is home to all major sports associations of the State of Baden-Württemberg; sport plays a significant role in all areas of society in the city.
The Institute Sport and Movement Science has a broad base in both research and teaching. Its research activities are organised into four departments.
The teaching activities by the Institute of Sport and Movement Science cover a total of eight degree courses. The degree programs on offer can be subdivided into four degree courses with a focus on teaching (B.A. in Teaching, M.Ed. in Teaching, B.A. in Technical Pedagogy and B.A. in Economics Pedagogy) and four degree programs providing non-school orientated qualifications (B.A. and M.A. in Sports Science: Sociology and Management, B.Sc. in Movement Science and M. Sc. in Movement Science and Biomechanics).